Ressources et utilitaires

Scoring systems for ICU and surgical patients:

SNAP-PE (Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology - Perinatal Extension) 

Mean B.P. (mmHg), maximum
Mean B.P. (mmHg), minimum
Heart Rate, maximum
Heart Rate, minimum
Respiratory rate
PaO2 (mmHg)
PaO2/ FIO2 (FIO2 in %)
PaCO2 (mmHg)
Oxygenation Index (help)
Hematocrit , maximum
Hematocrit , minimum
W.B.C. (/ microL)
Immatures Ratio (help)
Absolute neutrophils
Platelets (/ microL)
Urine Output (mL/kg/h)
Indirect Bilirubin
Direct Bilirubin
Sodium (mEq/L) maximum
Sodium (mEq/L) minimum
Stool Guaiac
Potassium (mEq/L) maximum
Potassium (mEq/L) minimum
Glucose maximum
Bicarbonate (mEq/L) maximum
Bicarbonate (mEq/L) minimum
Glucose minimum
Calcium (Ionised, max)
Calcium (Total, max)
Serum pH
Calcium (Ionised, min)
Calcium (Total, min)

Perinatal Extension

Birth weight
Predicted death rate
= Birth weight

logit = -14.6889 +(8.6774 * (1/ (birthweight in kilograms))) +(1.4414 * (1 if Apgar at 5 minutes < 7, 0 if Apgar >= 7) + (1.0898 * (1 if <5th% for gestational age, 0 if >= 5th% for gestational age) + (0.7422 * (SNAP) * (1 if SNAP <= 15, 0 if SNAP > 15)) + (0.6251 * (SNAP) * (1 if SNAP >= 16 and <=20, 0 if SNAP < 16 or > 20)) +(0.4674 * (SNAP) * (1 if SNAP >= 21 and <=27, 0 if SNAP < 21 or > 27)) + (0.4073 * (SNAP) * (1 if SNAP >= 28, 0 if SNAP < 28 )) - (0.5429 * (SNAP/birthweight) * (1 if SNAP <= 15, 0 if SNAP > 15)) -(0.4088 * (SNAP/birthweight) * (1 if SNAP >= 16 and <=20, 0 if SNAP < 16 or > 20)) -(0.2809 * (SNAP/birthweight) * (1 if SNAP >= 21 and <=27, 0 if SNAP < 21 or > 27)) - (0.2399 * (SNAP/birthweight) * (1 if SNAP >= 28, 0 if SNAP < 28 )) Predicted Death Rate= e(logit) / (1 + e(logit))
Apgar Score at 5 min
Small for Gestational Age
(help on following)
Week gestation
Weight at 5th% for body weight
= g
weight at 5th% for body weight = -0.06217*(weeks)4+7.585979*(weeks)3 -337.3942*(weeks)2 +6583.4774*(weeks)-47312.4

Ref : Richardson DK. Birth weight and illness severity : independent predictors of neonatal mortality. Pediatrics. 1993;91:969-75
Richardson DK et al. Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology : a physiologic severity index for neonatal intensive care. Pediatrics. 1993;91:617-23


Immatures cells ratio = Sum (promyelocytes, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, bands-stabs) / ( total neutrophil count)

Limitations: The immature-to-total neutrophil ratio assumes that the findings are consequent to a left shift in neutrophilia and that there is no leukemia.

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  Oxygenation Index

Mean Airway
Oxygenation Index

(ex: 0.6)
(PAW * FIO2) / PaO2

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